20+ Quick and Easy August Social Media Event Ideas for Your Marina
From birthday events to favorite food celebrations, you’ll be sure to find several media events to meet your needs.
Daily Events:
- World Scout Scarf Day 8-1
- #WorldScoutScarfDay or #ScoutingMemories
- National Computer Aided Design Day 8-2
- #NationalCadDay, #CadDay, #NationalComputerAidedDesignDay, #ComputerAidedDesignDay
- International Beer Day 8-2
- #internationalbeerday, #beer, #beerday ,#craftbeer
- National Ice Cream Sandwich Day 8-2
- #nationalicecreamday, #icecream, #icecreamcone, #icecreamlover, #icecreamday
- National Water Balloon Day 8-2
- #waterballoon, #water, #edutoys
- National Watermelon Day 8-3
- #nationalwatermelonday, #watermelon, #fruit, #melon, #fruits, #watermelonday
- US Coast Guard Birthday 8-4
- USCGbirthday, USCGhistory, #USCG
- National Chocolate Chip Cookie Day 8-4
- #nationalchocolatechipday, #chocolatechipday, #chocolatechips
- Hooray for Kids Day 8-4
- #hoorayforkidsday, #nationalhoorayforkidsday
- Assistance Dog Day 8-4
- #servicedoggear, #servicedog, #servicedogs
- National Root Beer Float Day 8-6
- #nationalrootbeerfloatday, #rootbeerfloatday
- National Purple Heart Day 8-7
- #nationalpurpleheartday, #purpleheartday
- International Cat Day 8-8
- #internationalcatday, #catday, #catlovers #worldcatday
- Celebrate Your Lakes Day 8-10
- #celebrateyourlakesday, #lakedays, #lakelife
- National Lazy Day 8-10
- #nationallazydays, #layday, #lazysunday
- National Smores Day 8-10
- #nationalsmoresday, #smoresday, #smores
- Spoil Your Dog Day 8-10
- #nationalspoilyourdogday, #spoileddog
- International Lefthanders Day 8-13
- #lefthandersday, #lefthanded, #lefthanders
- National Relaxation Day 8-15
- #nationalrelaxationday, #relaxationtime, #relax
- Kool-Aid Day 8-16
- #koolaidday, #koolaid
- Hawaiian Shirt Day 8-16
- #hawaiianshirtday, #hawaiianshirt, #aloha
- National Bratwurst Day 8-16
- #nationalbratwurstday, #bratwurstday, #bratwurst
- National Rum Day 8-16
- #nationalrumday, #rumday, #rumcocktails
- National Tell a Joke Day 8-16
- #nationaltellajokeday, #tellajokeday, #jokes
- Break the Monotony Day 8-16
- #breakthemonotonyday, #breakthemonotony
- National Black Cat Appreciation Day 8-16
- #nationalblackcatday, #blackcatday, #blackcatlove
- National Sandcastle and Sculpture Day 8-16
- #nationalsandcastleandsculptureday, #sandcastleandsculptureday
- National Soft Ice Cream Day 8-19
- #nationalicecreamday, #icecreamlove, #icecreamday2024
- World Photography Day 8-19
- #worldphotographyday, #photography
- Lemonade Day 8-20
- #lemonadeday, #lemonade, #lemon
- National Bacon Lovers Day 8-20
- #nationalbaconloversday, #baconloversday, #bacon
- Senior Citizens Day 8-20
- #seniorcitizensday, #seniorcitizen, #seniorliving
- Eat a Peach Day 8-20
- #eatapeachday, #eatpeaches, #peaches
- National Burger Day 8-20
- #nationalburgerday, #burgers, #burgerporn
- Buttered Corn Day 8-23
- #butteredcornday, #corn
- Cuban Sandwich Day 8-23
- #nationalcubansandwichday, #cubano, #cubanfood
- National Dog Day 8-26
- #nationaldogday, #dog, #dogs
- International Read Comics in Public Day 8-28
- #internationalreadcomicsinpublicday, #readcomicsinpublicday
- Marine Corps Reserve Birthday 8-29
- #usmc, #marines
- National Beach Day 8-30
- #beachday, #beach
- National Toasted Marshmallow Day 8-30
- #nationaltoastedmarshmellowday, #toastedmarshmellowday
Weekly Events:
- International Clown Week (August 1-7)
- #internationalclownweek, #clown, #clowncore
- Exercise With Your Child Week (August 4-10)
- #nationalexercisewithyourchildweek, #kidsfitness, #fitness
- National Farmers Market Week (August 4-10)
- #farmersmarketweek, #farmersmarketsareessential, #lovemymarket
- National Health Center Week (August 4-10)
- #NHCW24, #ValueCHCs
- Simplify Your Life Week (August 5-11)
- #simplifyyourlifeweek, #simplifyyourlife
- Safe + Sound Week (August 12-18)
- #safeandsoundatwork,
- Elvis Week (August 9-17)
- #elvisweek, #elvisforever, #elvisaaronpresley
- Be Kind to Humankind Week (August 25-31)
- #bekindtohumankind, #BK2HK
Month-Long Events:
- Family Fun Month
- #familyfun, #familytime, #family
- National Catfish Month
- #catfishmonth, #catfish
- National Parks Month
- #nationalparkmonth, #findyourpark, #nationalpark
- National Sandwich Month
- #nationalsandwichmonth, #sandwich
- National Water Quality Month
- #nationalwaterqualitymonth, #waterquality
Additional Information:
Additional Social Media Related Articles:
- 2024 Marina Days Events & Ideas
- Marina Hashtag HacksÂ
- National Marina Days 2024
- 5 Tips for Social Media Marketing
- 5 Inexpensive Summertime Social Media Events to Boost Customer Traffic
- 8 Benefits of Email Marketing for Marinas
*Sign up for our free newsletter “Marina Management Journal” so you can stay up to date
About MariCorp
Maricorp is one of the largest floating boat dock manufacturing and construction companies in the United States, specializing in galvanized steel floating docks and boat lift systems. With projects spanning coast-to-coast, Maricorp provides marina consultation and design, marine construction, marina repair and renovation, and boat dock disaster response and demolition.