Six Things to Consider When Planning A New Dock
Whether you’re looking to freshen up outdated facilities or add amenities like a restaurant or ship’s store, there are six important things you should consider before starting your boat dock capital expansion project.
1. Return on Investment
One of the most important things to know before making a capital improvement is your return on investment. This may come in the form of additional cash flow from slip rental or improvements to public areas that draw more visitors to ancillary amenities. Talk to your accountant and marina contractor about which improvements will provide a greater return on investment.
2.Planning and Timing
The first thing to consider when it comes to capital expansion of your marina is when exactly you want it to open. Then it’s just a matter of working backwards from that date to set up a timeline for completion of individual projects. Knowing timelines needed for the items below will help with your planning.
3. Permitting Requirements
It’s always a good idea to contact your regulatory agencies to attain the proper permits well in advance of starting your marina capital expansion project. Different agencies work at different paces. Sometimes a simple letter of permission that can be obtained in a matter of weeks is all that is required to start your project. Some agencies may require environmental, archeological or feasibility studies before beginning and these can often take months.
4. Insurance
Talk to your insurance provider to know the type of coverage and the cost of coverage you will need to add.
5. Funding
Delays in projects are often the result of lag time in funding often associated with the timing of payouts from loans or insurance companies. Whether through loans, insurance claims, owner contribution or grants, it’s important to know that your funding will be in place when you begin your marina capital expansion project.
6. Contractors Capabilities
Your marina contractor can provide you with manufacturing and installation timelines to aid in your planning. It’s best to choose an established, experienced marina contractor when undertaking a major expansion, and this is where MariCorp US excels. Call us today to start planning for your next expansion.
No matter what form your capital expansion project takes, partnering with MariCorp US will ensure it’s on time and on budget. Speak to an expert now, call 877-858-DOCK.
Related Articles:
- Revenue Generator: Boat Winterizing Services
- Generate Revenues with Service Center
- Return on Investment (ROI) – Part 1 of 6 Things to Consider When Planning a New Dock
- Planning and Timing – Part 2 of 6 Things to Consider When Planning a New Dock
- Permitting Requirements – Part 3 of 6 Things to Consider When Planning a New Dock
- Insurance – Part 4 of 6 Things to Consider When Planning a New Dock (Coming in January)*
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About MariCorp
Maricorp is one of the largest floating boat dock manufacturing and construction companies in the United States, specializing in galvanized steel floating docks and boat lift systems. With projects spanning coast-to-coast, Maricorp provides marina consultation and design, marine construction, marina repair and renovation, and boat dock disaster response and demolition.