Edgewater Marina

The 2012 Atlantic hurricane season went down in the history books with Superstorm Sandy affecting 24 U.S. states with damage amounting to $71.4 billion.
The Edgewater Marina, located in the heart of Cleveland, Ohio, sustained relentlessly pounding waves up to 22-feet high for hours. The storm left in its wake a devastated marina and an estimated $4.3 million in damages to boats alone.
In October 2013, Maricorp was selected as the floating boat dock manufacturer, and began fabrication of the replacement docks immediately. With the next boat season rapidly approaching, our crews labored through the winter installing the new docks, which featured a unique mix of slips to accommodate various boat sizes. To stave off the effects of future extreme weather conditions, the boat docks with the greatest exposure to open water were constructed with the most substantial standard frame design Maricorp offers.
Now, years later, the marina provides safe harbor to more than 240 boats, and features a fuel dock, courtesy dock, internal utility run, fire and power pedestals, safety ladders and concrete decking.
At Maricorp, every marina, small or large, has an important place in our portfolio. We’re proud to have played a part in returning Edgewater Marina to its landmark status in downtown Cleveland.
For more information visit their Facebook page.